Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Do you know what your ideal body weight is? You probably have a number on your mind but that doesn’t necessarily mean that this number is right.

If you want to stay healthy you need to maintain a healthy weight, nothing more or nothing less. And the best way to determine this ideal healthy weight is to calculate your body mass index using a BMI calculator or just look at the chart below.

However, we need to point out that the height/weight chart is created for adult men and women only, it’s not suitable for persons under the age of 18.

Determining how much you should weigh is not as simple as looking at a height-weight chart, but it includes considering the amount of bone, muscle, and fat in your body’s composition.

The most important thing you need to consider is the amount of fat in your body and the BMI calculator is the perfect way to discover the percentage of fat your body is consisted of.

It may not be the perfect measure but it gives a pretty good estimate. If your BMI is higher than 24.9 you may be overweight.